Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 2.7.24 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 1.10.24 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 12.6.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 9.6.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 5.3.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 4.5.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 3.1.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 2.1.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 1.4.23 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 12.7.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Round 11.2.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 10.5.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 9.7.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 4.6.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 3.2.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 2.2.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 1.5.22 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 12.1.21 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 11.3.21 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 10.6.21 Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 9.1.21 Seminar Neuromuscular Complications of Cancer and Chemotherapy Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds: Continuous Quality Improvement FY21 CQI Projects Seminar James R. Swenson, MD Scientific Symposium And Research Day Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: A New Era in Neuromuscular Disease: Implications for the Physiatry Community Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: The NICA Injury Surveillance System: An Investment in Our Future Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: Amputee Pain and Intradepartmental Collaboration Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: Racial Disparities in Rehab Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: Skeletal Muscle Atrophy: Novel Applications of Known Therapeutics Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds: Pushing the Boundaries of Knowledge Clinical Spine and Musculoskeletal Research at the UofU Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds: Exercise strategies for cancer prevention and survivorship Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds: Lessons from Stoic Philosophers, Elite Athletes, and Trauma Survivors; How Resiliency Can Inform Institutional Practices in Health Care Seminar White Identity, Race and Racism Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: Inpatient Cancer Rehabilitation: Evidence and Considerations Seminar PM&R Senior Symposium: Stimulating Topics in PM&R Seminar PM&R Grand Rounds 11.1.23 Grand Rounds Archives 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020