The Department of PM&R offers specialized and general PM&R elective programs to third and fourth year medical students from accredited medical schools in the United States.
This course is designed to give the student a short but in-depth experience in clinical evaluation and treatment of disability. The student will work closely with the senior medical staff in the management of both inpatients and outpatients in the rehabilitation center. Students will also be exposed to the use of electrodiagnosis, physical modalities, writing prescriptions for therapy, wheelchairs, and bracing, and will learn about the skills and contributions of the various allied health team members as well as working closely with patients' families. Diagnosis most commonly encountered will be traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accidents, and spinal cord injuries, but many other patients with disabling neuromusculoskeletal diseases will also be encountered.
First two years of medical school
Visiting Students
This course is also open to non-university after the month of May. Visit the Student Affairs Office or go through the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS).
Rotation Duration
Students may sign up for a two week or four week rotation.
Medical Students who are applying to the University of Utah PM&R Residency Program please sign up for an early rotation during the months of August – October.
The Residency Program schedules their interview dates during the months of November – January. It’s a separate process between the PM&R Medical Student Program and the PM&R Residency Program.
Medical students may conduct research of a clinical, educational, or scientific nature under the supervision of a physical medicine and rehabilitation faculty member. The potential areas of research include, but are not limited to, any rehabilitative aspect of permanent physical disability especially relating to spinal cord injury, cranial cerebral trauma, or cerebrovascular accidents; electrodiagnosis; cognitive dysfunction; sports medicine; and pharmacological aspects of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
First two years of medical school and permission of instructor
Visiting Students Info
Restricted to University of Utah Students
Arrangement Details
Any proposed research work to be done for credit in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation must be approved by the department before the student begins the work for credit and before registering with Student Affairs.
Be sure the course coordinator records the name of the faculty member you are working with, so that the coordinator can send the form to obtain your evaluation and grades.