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Day in the Life of a Resident

Riley Martinez, MD

Where are you from and where did you go to medical school?

From The Woodlands, TX. Went to Medical School at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. 

What attracted you to the PM&R residency program here at the University of Utah?

The program seemed full of residents who were so excited about PM&R and life in general. When I did my away rotation, I was blown away by the passion the residents had for their patients, the specialty and all the activities that living in a place like SLC made possible. The program strikes the perfect balance between working hard and being well and happy outside of work. 

What particular aspects of the program do you think have been most beneficial to you?

As I have only completed my intern year in internal medicine at this point, it is tough to say exactly what will be the most beneficial. Even as an intern however, I have been able to attend a few of the resident lead ultrasound didactics which have been super useful.  

What is your most memorable experience during your residency?

First 28 hour shift in the ICU :O Cant wait for some cool PM&R memories!!!! 

Do you have a mentor? If so, who is it? And how has this person helped you?

I don’t have one specific mentor yet but everyone I’ve reached out to for help this past year has been incredible and I look forward to meeting all the wonderful people in PM&R 

What is your favorite activity outside of work?

Summer: Hiking, climbing, taking my dogs to Mill Creek Canyon, BBQ’s, brewery hopping

Winter: Snowboarding, bonfires

What is your most memorable experience outside of work?

SO many things to choose from!! Obviously, all the days spent out in the mountains have been incredible but one that will always be my favorite is climbing up Angels Landing with my PM&R co-interns during orientation. Such a fantastic way to kick off residency! 


Omar Rachdi, MD

Where are you from and where did you go to medical school?

I’m from Portland, Oregon, I am a dual-citizen (Moroccan-American) and I went to Western University COMP-Northwest in Lebanon, Oregon.

What attracted you to the PM&R residency program here at the University of Utah?

I remember having this feeling of, “Woah, these folks are the real deal” after my interview. The training resources are incredible for the UofU PM&R residency, but really it’s the people that made me want to come. The faculty and staff are genuinely invested in our wellbeing and success. I can’t imagine training anywhere else.

What is your favorite activity outside of work?

I really love gardening, listening to Sam Cooke and watching my chickens just do their chicken thing.

What is your most memorable experience outside of work?

Definitely hiking Arches with my friend Ryan and thinking we were going to fall during our hike from how windy it was. Haven’t felt wind like that since I lived in Oregon.

Omar Wed